I just finished watching CSI season premiere episode.. FINALLY!
So, an obsessed fan that I am I MUST write something about my shows so here I go, read only if you don't care to know about both eps of both shows:
SO we started with an old comp which gives you some sort of idea of how long that computer has been there and then the old record playing which is also pretty old, and then the hatch.
Ok first things firts who the hell is this guy?!?!
And now that I think about it, why on earth do they give Jack such a haircut?? That thing was BAAAAAAD. And I usually like that sort fo haircut I love it actually but in him it looks bad!
despite the lack of Sawyer on this ep, I did liked it, in weird way but I liked it.
So my first thought for the guy in the hatch was, he's part of Roussau's crew... then the ep goes further and we see Jack meeting his wife (now he's not married anymore and then adding to that.. the flashback in this ep was not the best but I guess we need to watch his backstory somehow or for something)
Also when Jack's running up and down the stadium there was this one thing I really didnt' like, the plot revealing line from the other doc. I mean, please people! why on earth they did that!? The see you in another life Jack. I was like, ok thanks for that it was sort of obvious line! I thought it was him down the hatch but then the line... gave away everything!
Although Shannog seeing Walt was scary. The thing is first of all what on earth did he said - Oona told me about someone replaying Walt's dialog backwards and he said something like 'don't press the button the button is bad' But I still don't know if that's for real, I heard it but still, did he say that?! - and then, why would Sahnnon find Walt and not, lets say Locke? Also Walt told Locke not to open the hatch but if inside the hatch is just that other doc... what would be the problem?
Then I thought ok the french lady said something about all her crew getting sick. So I thought the doc was part of her crew. BUT there's one problem with that idea, Jack met him before marrying his wife. If that doc inside the hatch was the same one, he couldn't be part of french lady crew, BUT the things he had insides the hatch are also very old, he had a comp but a very old computer. so doing the math in my ehad it makes sense thatc omputer being 16 years old.
Also a very uiimportant thing WHERE THE HELL IS KATE?!?!?!
What happened to her?!
SO I'm not g etting angry beucase I'm mroe confussed than surpirsed or anything because I think the second ep could work it all out, well not all but make more sense, at least make more sense to the questions.
The conclusion I got... NONE.
I'm LOST!!! I dont' know who he is, I don't know why Walt was there tlaking to Shannon speaking backwards (except that he's really a freak show with that seeing a polar bear in a comic book then one appears on the island.... though the polar bear was there before Walt according to french lady, And also maybe he's a freak but a child freak and he dcouldn't make his apparition worked otu as well as the dialog so he only managed one LOL) I don't know where the french lady went to hide, I don't know where the dog is. And mainly I don't know where are Sawyer and the raft people AND I don't know where's Kate??!! Though I have an idea where's Sawyer, I want to see him but anyway I'm confussed!!!
So long story short I want to see the next ep!!!
Now onto the next show!!!
So.. ok Warrick Got married, that I knew but I've been goo girl with both shows and didn't read more than I wanted to know (exceot for the marriage part that I already knew) SO Catherine was shoecked but it was so sad when she told Warrick how she felt!
(BTW I saw Gary Dourdan singing at the Emmy's and Oh dear he's good!!!! :D I whish I could've seen him playing the piano or something but it was good, k back to babblings)
Also Grissom in his hat.. CUTE!!!! hee!! I wanted to hug him for some reason so since I can I have to comission certain Anni has to do that for me *whistles* lol
Now seriously, I liked the ep a lot, and I'm curious about certain scene but I have to ask that later on MSN.
So Warrick married: WOAH!
Grissom with hat: CUUUUUTE!
And damn I kept watching the ep and thinking ooohhh anni was there that day and then ohh anni saw marg this day. or Oh Eric!!! Anni saw him!
LMAO and it was so much worst in tis ep than anyother.
So ok I cant' stp going from the ep to Anni, LOL I can't watch this ep and nto think ANNI!
BUT now back to the ep, it was SO heart rbeaking that part of Grissom talkign to Archie about the tape, thatw as creepy, scary and worrying!
Now tehy are back as a team all together and Sofia is a detective now... interesting though I still don't like her character I think I liked it a tiny bit more than I did last season.. still not enough to like it but that's somethign LOL.
Oh and the crimes... I know it's called CSIm, so crimes are improtant... but YUCK!! juust the thought of that trunk's smell.. I'll skip that aprt except to say I liked them whole ep a lot... funny to say it is Crime Scene Invastigation and the part I care les sabout the show are the crimes! HEE!!.
BTW you my CSI gurus... I needed more GSR! LOL!!
Ok this took me around 40 min to write!! My brain is sleep and that Lost song is OLD and I'm stressed about CSI LOL!!