Mar 24, 2012 00:01

I've awol for two weeks...

I was tumbling for the last two weeks because news gets there uber quickly and I've pretty much been camping out there waiting for the next update about SHINee and I'm so tired because I've stayed up all week but it's all worth it tbh.

Everything is SHINee and nothing hurts.

Their teaser picture were weird as hell but I could care less; Taeweave is back, Key with green hair, and Jonghyun is trying uber hard to ruin my bias list. sfdfsdgfrghth His abs guys, I can't oh my god щ(゜ロ゜щ) but Onew was wrapped in a freaking blanket and I was anticipating him in all his ~dreamy french boy~ shirtlessness but noooo

And then the songs. I love this album so much ;_; I especially love Clue (because of Jjong's scatting tbh) and Honesty, the lyrics makes me heart flutter.I think it's uber cool that they mashed up two different songs to make Sherlock imho, they fit so well~ Jonghyun is such a talented lyricists and he needs to write lyrics for albums more often. 83 AND MINHO SINGING IN HONESTY MY HEART STILL CAN'T TAKE THAT. WHATISMYBIASLISTRIGHTNOW

And then the MV teaser, I died. Seriously. The realization hit there that my bbs are back and I replayed that 39 second video over and over and over again. Taemin in a top hat dfJfcdifddegfvedgfikser;gtr

And the MV SADFikNJFAEFOfofodaWJFoegftwojtw4trg PERFECTION. NUFF SAID.
In all Honesty(hurrhurr) though their(Taemin's) outfits in the museum dancing scene were a bit borderline disaster and that trolling prance dance they do in the chorus makes me laugh and the iWatson placed behind that laptop and the random as hell, not-so-catchy magazine title makes me cringe but idrc I'm just happy that they're back and I hope they win awards for this song on music shows. 83

I can finally start sleeping early(-ish). Staying up all week long killed me. I just wish that SM would give warning, seriously. I'd like to know that I'll be planning my funeral beforehand SM tyvm. ಠ_ಠ I didn't watch a live streaming their first comeback stage because it was so late, my I did see the Music Bank one~

SHINee aside, my weeks been pretty good~ Today I went to the dentist to get my cavities filled, and I have to go back three more times to get the rest filled, but I'd take this then my appointment two weeks ago, where I had my teeth cleaned. That was the worst appointment ever. Ever. My teeth hurt, my gums felt like they'd fall off, there was blood, and the taste of dental paste wouldn't leave my mouth. I couldn't eat for an hour and, even though the numbness was gone, my appetite was gone anyway. Dental paste+anything tastes horrible. ;o; I was living off of bread that day.

My birthday was over Spring Break, we didn't really do much for it. I spent that day on the computer reading fanfics and doing homework assignments. OTL And my mom forgot it was my birthday and remembered 12:14 a.m. (I still remember the time lolol) the next day. On Sunday my dad brought home cake and I didn't eat much, couldn't really because of these damn cavities. >: It was fun though, just me and my family~ My grandmother ate some too. x3 She isn't used to american cake so it was uber amusing watching her try it out.

I... completely forgot what I was gonna say so I'll just end here :3
There's probably a bunch of typos in this entry but I'm too lazy to read over orz

!random, fangirling

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