HAAYYYY PEOPLESSSS.... I have come back after 9 hours of posting my last entry. CUZ I WAS SLEEPING. :D. Haha. Alright... So I promised mah friend a DBSK pic spam. Well, a yunjae + yoosu pic spam, but what's a pic spam without ? Haha.
There's always one of those times where Yoochun DOESN'T fail. This is one of those times.<3. IDC if he fails or not. Still love him. Haha. Cute.
I love the Yunjae in here (Yeah Yunjae is one of my OTPs. :])
Jae looks so beautiful in here<3 :DD
Yes I is of jae bias. :]
I wish I could post more, but i gotta do hw... So, I'll come back and edit this later.