Hi fellow 2Min Shippers! it's been such a long time since the last mod post, but hey your Admins are still here! ;)
Just want to remind everybody to please double check your tags before posting, I noticed some members using the author and rating tags only, please don't forget to use the *fanfic tag! and It seems there are still a few rule breakers about NC-17 and R posts, we have posted this in the
RULES, that all fanfiction with ratings R and Above must be LOCKED.
Who are authors living in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Kota Kinabalu? or maybe just Shawols in general^^
I will be in Bangkok this March, Hong Kong this June and Kota Kinabalu this October! Anybody interested for a meet-up with your Admin?
For any questions and inquiries don't hesitate to ask the admins!