I have a cough. I am really tired of that damn cough.
In other news:
this article about why poor people have the habits they have is fun and understandable, but. One thing threw me out of it.
This: "You're not buying the dryer because Sears is having their once a year "Get these fucking dryers out of our warehouse 50 percent off sale," but because the dryer that's been making that funny noise for a year and a half finally broke. You have to take the first one you see, at whatever price, because your wet clothes are sitting there getting moldy."
I mean, really? Someone who worries about spending 2 dollars more than necessary needs a dryer to dry their clothes? What are the clotheslines for? ... I can't figure out whether the writer actually doesn't know what he's talking about, or the US poor really have such peculiar ways of spending money.
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