I don't like not having myself well in hand. Even when I have reasons like my period (I have bad ones). ... I've been tetchy, nervous and unable to concentrate all day and I do not like this at all - also, I am now behind on my work. Not that the attempts to distract myself were very productive either - for some reason I went to Wikipedia and spoiled myself for a K-drama I've been watching, and muddled up my knitting in the process. Three times. I mean, I mixed up my ribbing, and undid the wrong rows, and then started again, and I think I did it wrong _again_ and also dropped a stitch in the process. After which I realized I am just about ready to stick my needles into someone - probably myself - and put it away.
Yes, I am bad at knitting. And controlling myself. Right now I feel like I am bad at everything. *goes back to work at least some more*
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