Jan 04, 2013 17:54
A. Available: Not really
B. Birthday: August 16th
C. Crushing on: Noneofyourbeeswax
D. Drink you last had: Water
E. Easiest person to talk to: Caylin
F. Favorite song: Right now, "Empty Chairs and Empty Tables" or "Do you Hear the People Sing?" from Les Miserables
G. Grossest memory: Being thrown up on in my car.
H. Hometown: A little village in the countryside of England..... I wish.
I. In love with: Europe.
J. Jealous of: the cast of Downton Abbey, or the Broadway cast of Les Mis.
K. Killed someone: Nope, just insects.
L. Longest friendship: Anna or Joshua
M. Milkshake flavour: Cookies and Cream, yo
N. Number of siblings: 1
O. One wish: I wish I could be on Broadway... in London.... or something like that.
P. Person who you last called: My mom
Q. Question you're asked the most: How tall are you? or Why is your hair so curly?
R. Reason to smile: You're going on vacation!!!! :DDDD
S. Song you last sang: In my car-- Sovereign Light Cafe' by Keane
T. Time you wake up: I try to be up by 9 30.... any later I feel is wasting my day.
U. Underwear colour: can't remember
V. Violent moment: When someone puts something stupid online... so there are a lot of violent moments over here.
W. Worst habit: Yep, biting my nails
X. X-ray you had: Creepy...oh, my teeth at the dentist.
Y. Your last time you cried: Today I teared up a bit. I cry all the time.. I hardcore cried during Les Mis yesterday though.
Z. Zodiac sign: Leo