a Ninja Warlord
You scored 7 Honor, 7 Justice, 7 Adventure, and 3 Individuality!
Your name would be but a rumor and story told to frighten children, but your swift and powerful command would leave entire cities in rubble. You are not just a ninja, but the sort that could lead a clan and a nation by the firmness of your honor, the strength of your conviction, and the will to carry your power into as yet unknown realms.
Muster your unseen army. You'll do just fine.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 40% on Ninjinuity
You scored higher than 83% on Knightlyness
You scored higher than 57% on Cowboiosity
You scored higher than 11% on Piratical Bent
The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test written by
fluffy71 on
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