Title: You’re One in a Million
dria1029Pairings: het!Jongtae
Genre: Romance, Humor
Rating: PG…I think
Summary: A Peter Pan-obsessed music icon and his long time best friend, a tomboy from Busan, share a rare moment together under a familiar, beloved night sky
a/n: Originally written to cure my writer’s block, and as a dialogue exercise. Jonghyun’s character is loosely based off of Michael Jackson’s-lol and I thought it fitting because Jjong is a diehard fan. (And now that I think about it, so is Taemin…how about that.) Also, before I stfu, just want to let you all know I’m a versatile writer. It won’t always be blood and tears, but it won’t always be gumdrops and Velcro.
”How many you think are up there?”