
May 30, 2013 01:41

I think I'm going to take down the first links I already posted earlier for revolve'z since I just realized how messy the whole collection was being. It can even barely be called a collection LOL The much needed renaming of files will be done on times that I will not be too lazy and have enough time to do so. Until then the links will still be up and running. It's your choice if you choose to download now or later with the reuploaded files and hopefully much organised collection. And most importantly, I will post the rules and what not first. Although, I will still post it with every post per fansite.

On the brighter note, I'm almost done with Eat You Up (a Kai fansite) and Taempo (a Taemin fansite). Hopefully, I can upload them soon. ((Prayer circle for my connection to not fuck up))

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