Dec 02, 2010 22:26
( Hello, Mayfield. Today, if you’re lucky-or unlucky, depending upon your point of view-you may see this fellow on one or more occasions. Blissfully ignorant of the fact that he’s been droned for several months, he is in the stage of Mayfield awareness he will soon refer to as the “where the heck am I?” level.
A; When he first wakes up, Korea takes one look around his house and realizes that he is not where he should be. Soon enough, he is running out onto his lawn, and looking wildly around him. If he sees passersby, he’ll be asking them various questions. )
Hey, is this America? This is America, right? That’s what it looks like, at least! I should know, I visit him all the time! We’re total friends! Don’t believe anyone who tells you different, ok?
But it looks like he’s slacking! What’s with this place? I mean, the phones don’t even have caller ID! Or a digital display! It’s too lame.
( When his random accosting of various citizens doesn’t quite work out, Korea will retreat back into his(?) house. It is from here that he begins making a series of phonecalls.
B; Korea is trying to do various things on the phone-contacting his boss, calling America, calling his family, and, most importantly, trying to order pizza. )
Hey, come on! This phonebook is totally useless! These people’s names are all weird-some of them don’t even sound American. And none of them sound Korean. Unacceptable!
Well, if it’s America I should be able to order pizza right? Yeah. I wonder if there’s take out barbeque here, too…
( And, when all else fails, you may find Korea wandering around the streets around his house. Though he began the day in high spirits, he has deflated considerably by this point.
C; Ahoge drooping somewhat pathetically, Korea is pouting. There is no other word for it. His brow is wrinkled and he looks nothing short of utterly dejected. )
Crazy people…no pizza…weird phones…no internet…what the heck! This place is totally weird! America’s losing his touch!
not enough kimchi...,
america is slacking...,
well as long as i'm here...,