칠 || in which there are some loose ends

Mar 30, 2011 20:40

| ➲ PHONE; |

I never really thought I’d say this, but I guess normal around here can be good, especially compared to some things! It would have been cool if my swords stuck around, though-did you guys see me? I was just like a sentai hero, da ze! I guess Aniki helped a bit…and everyone else. But I looked awesome!

Oh, but, I guess I should mention…Hyung-nim and Noona are acting really, really weird. They’ve been like that for a few days, now. I don’t want to think-I mean, I’m sure they’ll be okay! They have to be! They’re tough, right? They wouldn’t leave the rest of us all alone, ‘cause we’re family!

Anyways, if anyone’s hurt you can come down to the pharmacy for some medicine! I’ll even give you a discount!

not enough kimchi..., sometimes i like my family..., --phone

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