( Ah, drugs. Don’t get too excited-we’re talking about the legal kind. But even those are necessary sometimes, along with all the other fun stuff you can find at the Mayfield Drug Store. Except today, you may see someone a little bit different at the front counter when you walk in. Yes, that’s right-Korea has been made a pharmacist. Aren’t you glad
Read more... )
I've got information!
[ eating that popsicle now. what flavor is it? red? she likes red. ]
( yes it was red. sob. )
Taiwan looks around for anyone who might be listening to them before talking to Korea in a voice loud enough for only him to hear. ]
Look, my friend and two others broke into the City Hall a few days ago. I'm almost glad I didn't go there myself, but... [ She bites her lip - she doesn't want to think about it. ] Anyway, this is what they found out. I think it'll help us a lot if we wanna get out of here, or at least know what's going on.
[ She quickly slides the paper across the counter. It has notes on Grady, the mayor and a character new to both of them - Lucy Smith. ]
It looks like the mayor isn't in charge of this place after all.
So the boss isn't really the boss, huh?
Well, Scout and the others never liked him much to begin with...
Well, crazy's different that just mean. Crazy's way more dangerous!
It's unlikely they'd have the same plan as Lucy. The thing is, the mayor and Grady are stuck in here, too. Move.
[ She jumps up and pulls herself over the counter. Ah shoot, the popsicle's melting... She catches the drops before they fall on the surface. ]
I think Grady's not so mean since they think he's kinda feeling guilty, but he's like, England crazy. You know? He hears things.
So crazy police guy, boss who isn't a boss, and little girl. But there's dissent? Sounds like they're kinda vulnerable at the moment...
Uh huh. The Mayor and Grady are in this power struggle? But the Mayor's too scared to act on anything on his own. Grady's just doing whatever he wants right now, and this Lucy sounds a lot more powerful than the two of them combined.
We're still at a huge disadvantage, but we can use this against them.
I say we go after the other two and leave Lucy alone for now! They're probably easier to deal with!
Stupid! Haven't you been listening? [ She's mostly arguing for the sake of hitting him... ] If we wanna know what's going on, we have to keep tabs on Lucy. The Smiths!
I'm not saying we have to ignore the other two. But deal with them how? [ chewing on the end of her popsicle stick - half the pop's gone already ] I wonder if we could get them on our side. [ hnnngh headtilt, popsicle stick still in mouth ] Would it be worth it?
So we split the work! We spent some time spying on the girl, and the rest with the others...I dunno! I'm trying to think and you hit me!
And did you find a weapon or something yet?
They won't let me buy one. They said girls can't use guns...
[ Chewing on the stick again. Sexism bites. :| ]
...maybe I should buy you one.
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