[Rurouni Kenshin][Kenshin/Kaoru][drabbles]

Jul 18, 2006 09:22

Only the Best for Them - 
5_povs challenge response

Fandom: Rurouni Kenshin
Pairing: Kenshin/Kaoru
Rating: G, collectively. I'm boring, yes.
I took this challenge for the express purpose of getting into the RK characters’ heads in the hopes that it would help me to rewrite Deluge. It has worked, somewhat, and I’ve been able to get back on track. Each drabble concentrates on one character’s perception of the Kenshin/Kaoru relationship. Characters are Sanosuke, Megumi, Tsubame, Saitou, Tae.


Sagara Sanosuke was a man who’d do whatever it takes to make sure that a person he cared for was safe. He knew, as did everyone else around them, that he’d protect Jou-chan with all his might. He’d give everything he had to make sure that girl was safe, happy, and content.

Hell, he would even eat her cooking and not complain, if that would save her. But that was only if her life was on the line.

Yet, Sanosuke knew one more thing: he could never protect her, make her happy, or keep her content like her Kenshin could.


Megumi was not a woman to admit to jealousy; surely, if someone called her on it, it was only because the envious person was insecure and lacked self-confidence. Megumi was quite content in herself and in her life.

Yet, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of something deep in her heart whenever she saw Kaoru. It wasn’t because she was envious of that girl, or any of that girl’s attributes.

It was Kaoru’s ability to make Kenshin relax and to feel at ease, to make him smile, to fight with him over stupid things.

That's what made Megumi envious.


When Tsubame sees Kaoru and Kenshin walking in the marketplace, she’s almost afraid that something bad will happen. Both of them had a knack for finding trouble of the most dangerous sort, and Tsubame has lost count of the number of times she has heard rumor of Kenshin fighting or Kaoru fighting or Kenshin angry or Kaoru kidnapped.

They have been through so much together, and it is that thought that makes Tsubame smile. She knows that, no matter what trouble they find, Kenshin and Kaoru will always come through it with grace and love. She turns and smiles softly.


It was often said that having someone to protect made one softer, weaker, and in some cases it was all too true. Saitou, however, had seen evidence to the contrary. Battousai’s - Himura’s - thoughts revolved around protecting a group of people and around one woman in particular.

Was it love? Saitou didn’t know. Battousai certainly made many allowances for the girl, and certainly went out of his way to assure her safety. Did it make Battousai weaker? He couldn’t say, but one thing had been proven to him over and over again.

Himura’s gaze always softened when he saw the girl.


When Tae saw them walking toward the Akabeko, she clapped her hands, smiling gleefully. In the time since she’s first come to know Himura Kenshin, Tae had grown fond of the man. It was more than just hero worship or more than just appreciation for the times he saved Kaoru, or Tsubame, or Yahiko.

She couldn’t help but be happy when she saw how incredibly content Kaoru was. It seemed that Kaoru knew exactly where her place was; she was happy to stand beside Kenshin.

Tae ushered them inside, and hurried off for their food.

Only the best for them.

drabbles, rurouni kenshin

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