Who: Lavi (
strike_for_you) and Lenalee Lee (
When: Backdated; the evening of May 19th.
Where: Outside.
Rating: PG due to Lavi's random swearing. Possibility of going higher.
Summary: The two [finally] spend some quality time together outside the House, away from the craziness.
The sky was clear, the temperature was perfect, and Lavi was in a relatively good mood, despite the fact that he had witnessed people who appeared to have lost their minds, discussed a break up that had been none of his business with a cute girl, and had the whole Bookman ordeal brought up with someone he had just met-- in the same day. But that was all in the past now, so he shoved thoughts pertaining to those events to the back of his head.. though he had to hope those being affected by the House didn't hurt themselves.. that is, unless they were the guy responsible for injuring Lenalee and Kanda. The red-head couldn't care less what happened to that bastard.
Sighing, his gaze lifted to the sky and he mentally reassured himself that they would be fine. Nodding, he turned his attention to the device on his wrist and worked to where he could broadcast a private transmission to the main reason he was smiling at that moment.
"Lenalee~ C'mon outside."