DarkCaster Ficlet: Little Differences

Sep 14, 2010 08:02

Little Differences

She isn’t human.

Well, not traditionally, anyway.  She’s probably an alternate universe subspecies or something along those lines.  Different, is all, really.

What does it mean when that kind of thing no longer feels out of place or unusual?  He shouldn’t talk, anyway.  He’s not human either...not entirely, anyway.

She has little differences in her that most people wouldn’t notice, but someone who makes it their business to notice would and he does make it his business to notice.  It is what he does.

The eyes are the most obvious.  He’s never seen a human with magenta eyes.  Humans don’t have magenta eyes.  They are larger, too, than most humans’.  Only slightly larger, if one wasn’t paying attention, they wouldn’t even notice it.  Her eyes are large and wide and the color of life energy itself.  She likes to cover them up sometimes with a little bit of glamour...she makes them blue.  He likes blue, and they aren’t his eyes, so he never says anything, but he sometimes wishes she wouldn’t do that.  Sometimes it is necessary and sometimes he can see that the plan calls for  it...but she doesn’t always do it when there is a plan.

The tips of her ears are pointed.  It gives her an impish look that suits her, in his humble opinion, but as far as practicality goes, it is a secondary sex characteristic for whatever she is.  He’s met her uncle...and a few of his underlings.  None of them had pointed ears and none of them mentioned it or belittled her about it...and they have about plenty of other things that are irrelevant.  She put them in their place afterwards...and he did it again later...out of sight of the others.  They rarely bothered her about anything twice.

Her teeth are sharp, especially her incisors.  He knows this from experience.  She’s accidentally drawn blood a few times when some of their more...personal encounters got too enthusiastic...but she never meant to.  There was always a tiny flicker of remorse in her large eyes whenever that happened.  Or it could be a trick of the light.  Still, she always gently licked and sucked until he stopped bleeding.  It usually wasn’t more than ten seconds.

He wonders if she notices all his little differences.

She has to.  She’s very attentive to detail in everything else, so he shouldn’t be any different...at least following his own line of logic.

In his experience, only two things pay as close attention as they do...predators and lovers...and he smiles as he realizes...they both are both.

A SHORT little DarkCaster ficlet I wrote to get the gears moving for an ATF!ficlet and The AE for In Blackest Night.

ficlet, darkcaster, charmcaster, darkstar

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