I hate it that nobody ever calls me Daniel, though it's my name. My family calls me Dany (no typo, Dany like Daanee). Kids in school called me Neuby (after my nickname), or Schlaubi (after the german name of a smart ass smurf), or sugar violin. Only teachers called me Daniel.
Nowadays I hear my real first name very rarely. I miss that. One of the strange things is that I cannot recall the last time my best friend
callmeal used my name in our talk. Not even a nickname. Perhaps I'm irritated because when I greet someone I always say hello + name of the one I talk to. Or another greeting and the name.
As far as my family goes ... I don't feel like Daanee. Daniel sounds like a mature man that is respected. Daanee sounds like something else, like the little kid, like the bookworm child, like the child that is scolded, like the child that is neither understood nor does it feel like understood. Daniel is real.
M called me Daniel. I wonder what M does these days. Has she married the Daniel that came after me? Did she become a doctor? Does she even still live in Germany? Does she still have her beautiful face? Shouldn't think about that. A drawing would be a good idea.
I've been browsing through
bagabonzz' journal, a Danny. I have a strange prejudice-like liking for that man because his name is like mine. It's like when I read up on my last name Neubacher some time ago, and when I read one guy who wrote that Neubachers rock, and that only Neubachers can understand.
The name's good too. In english it means Newbrook, Newcreek, Newrunnel. A poetic word like brook, and a technical word like new. Or vice versa. A name limits. A name defines, under some circumstances. What if my name was something like John Smith. There's a good chance to meet many John Smiths. It doesn't mean much, except if you're christian and have an association to John, or know that John means God is merciful. But a last name with new in the beginning ... I wonder if many people with new in their last name, like me, thought they'd have to introduce something new in society. Mature people might not think like that, but when I was little I figured it would be so.
Enough of my strangeness for today.