took a break for a couple of days.
mr. ibis
from the site: Papyrus, vanilla flower, Egyptian musk, African musk, aloe ferox, white sandalwood
soooo perfumey or cologney or something in the imp. just a lot of fragrance and alcohol, right up my nose!
after application the scents start to separate a bit and i can definitely smell the MUSK, of course, but something sweet, too. i'm betting the vanilla flower. and right underneath that is the sandalwood. my sisters used to have this sandalwood solid perfume that i remember playing with when i was little. so sandalwood jumps out really easily to me.
after drying a bit its actually quite nice, reminds me of something yummy that i totally cannot place. am just happy that the musks aren't all up in my face...
ETA: ha! after reading through the reviews on the
forums, someone mentioned johnsons baby shampoo. YES! that is totally what i'm getting.
like it. oddly, i really like it.
ETA again: just a note that after washing my hands a few time (i'm testing these on the backs of my hands) i can still smell this one, but it's the most adorable soapy smell. i will like wearing this one.