(no subject)

May 19, 2005 16:17

hmm haven't updated in a while, but i feel like taking one of those major long surveysss:

name: Taylor
birthday?: April 4th
height?: 5'7-5'8ish
eye color?: blue/green
hair color?: brown with light highlights
natural hair color?: brown

animal?: cats and pigs
bird?: outdoor birds are pretty...I hate squawking indoor ones
band?: theres a few i love
bug?: ladybug
candy?: swedish fish
country?: USA of course...All of Europe is great though
cracker brand?: Wheatables or wheat thins are good
clothing brand?: don't have one
item of clothing?: pants?
holiday?: Christmas definately
store?: ahhh Barnes and Noble for HARRY POTTER!
teacher?: i've had a few good ones...not just one favorite though
class?: english usually (cept last 2 years!) and algebra
song?: you get what you give
food? chicken and mmmhm chinese food
fruit? strawberries
veggies?: cucumbers and potatoes
cereal?: fruit loops
state?: florida
movie?: shawshank redemption and saw
tv show?: american idol, oc, simpsons
day of the week?: saturday
season?: spring and summer
month?: june
number?: 45
restuarant?: this place in salem massachusetts, forget what its called
shampoo?: pantene
tooth paste?: aquafresh
body wash?: soap? dove
hair style?: don't have one
make up brand (if any): don't usually wear it
website?: google
city?: boston
president?: ummm? kennedy was cute?
weather?: hot and sunny or cool and cloudy
shoe brand?: ?
magazine?: seventeen
pizza topping?: less cheese and extra pepperoni
soda?: PEPSI!
drink?: lemonade
candle scent?: french vanilla
name?: jesse
continent?: europe
ocean: atlantic
type of seafood?: calamari
pie?: apple
cookie?: italian cookies
dessert?: ice cream
ice cream flavor?: chocolate almond chip
hobby?: hangin with friends
perfume or cologne?: perfume for me, i love guys cologne

vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
black or white: white
car or truck: truck
soccer or football: soccer
bald or with hair: hair!!
sun or moon: sun
piercing or tatto: eh depends, don't really care for either
clothes or naked: i like to be nakedddd! lol
strip poker or skinny dipping: mmhm both are great
long or short?: what?
drugs or alcohol: alcohol
chicken or tuna?: mhmm chickennnn
three front teeth or two?: all please
tight or baggy pants?: in between for me
gay or straight?: straight please
light or dark?: dark
beefy or not?: beefyyyyy
invisible or flying?: flying

what would you get pierced?: top of my ear
where would you get a tattoo?: shoulder, hip or lower back
are you single?: yup
do you believe in love?: yup
do you believe in love at first sight?: not really
do you like school?: its ok although this time of year it keeps dragging on
are you straight edge?: what?
do you want to get married?: yeah
do you want to have children?: ehh i'll get back to ya in a few years
do you have facial hair?: i don't think so
do you think your attractive?: well i don't think i'm ugly...

went skinny dipping?: ehh closest was bra and underwear
talked on the phone?: today
watched a movie?: 4 days ago
took a shower?: this morning
brushed your teeth?: this morning
ate a birthday cake?: couple weeks ago
gave someone a present?: couple weeks ago lol
got arrested?: never been
went bike riding?: last fall
hung out with your friends?: 2 nights ago
gotten in a fight with your friends?: i'm not a fighting person
had casual sex?: wouldn't you like to knowww
brushed your hair?: today
had a coed sleepover?: never...possibly in a few weekends though
went to a party?: last weekend
played strip poker?: neverr

do you believe in aliens?: nope
do you believe in ghosts?: umm not really
do you believe in god?: yes i do
do you believe there is one perfect person for everyone?: possibly
do you believe the world is coming to an end?: nope
do you believe in love?: yes
do you believe the theory of evolution?: don't really know
where do you think you go when you die?: heaven
do you believe life after love?: yes
do you believe in life after death?: no
do you believe in astrology?: maybe?
do you believe in miracles?: yes
do you believe in karma?: whats karma?
do you believe in luck?: occasionally
do you think 29 is a lucky number?: no

George Bush: alright i guess
Bill Clinton: wife cheater
abortion?: should be illegal
gay marriages: no thank you
gay rights: never really got that
equality: yes
school: yes
skinny dipping?: i'm free!
strip poker?: haha no cuz i always lose
being naked in public: funny when its not me
sports?: i loveee sports
stem cell research?: good for people who can't have babies
death?: scared of it

have you ever skinny dipped? nooo
have you ever played strip poker? god your obsessed with strip poker and skinny dipping!
have you ever heard of strip monoply?: yes, but how does it work?
have you ever left the country?: i floated in the ocean...techniqually not part of the country
have you ever bungee jumped?: i wish
have you ever slept outdoors?: Yeah
have you ever slept with the oposite sex?: nope
have you ever been in a car crash?: nope
have you ever been in a school musical?: sort of at stamford
have you ever played soccer?: yupp
have you ever been arrested?: nope
have you ever been a victim of rape?: no thank god
have you ever raped someone?: no
have you ever tried drugs?: nopee prescription for meeee
have you ever given a lap dance?: nope
have you ever dressed up like the opposite sex?: for fun
have you ever been on tv?: yep
have you ever killed an animal on accident?: i've walked on bugs
have you ever killed an animal on purpose?: never!
have you ever gotten into a fist fight?: me and my bro went at it good once
have you ever been beaten up?: never
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