Oct 05, 2008 11:32
adjusting to sharing my living space has been a tad bit difficult, but we're making headway one day at a time.
oh. did I mention that Tyler moved in last week?
I don't think I did.
anyway, we've butted heads a few times because, frankly, I'm super used to being alone and doing everyone by myself. so trying to switch to having another person around and interacting almost constantly is a little challenging. I tend to be pretty introverted anyway, so when someone is demanding my attention in a conversational way when I'm not feeling it then there is the potential for miscommunication and misinterpretation. blah. not fun times.
on another note, school is becoming a bit less of a challenge. I still feel a little intimidated when I'm actually being the chairside assistant, but it is getting better. probably the hardest thing is stepping outside of my comfort zone and taking charge. part of being an assistant is doing things without hesitation and trusting that you know what you're doing and just doing it. the last couple of times that I assisted without Sarah (who like my best friend in class) I've been nervous and talk too much. I constantly comment that I'm sorry and don't mean to suction their cheek or pinch them or "oops, I didn't mean to pass that instrument like that!" yeah. :) whenever it is just Sarah and me partnered up I do a lot better. she's so laid back and we just talk eachother through it. when I partner up with a couple of the other girls they tend to instruct me on what I'm doing wrong and kind of make me feel bad. I don't know.. I know that I am capable of doing things confidently because, like I said, with Sarah I always do things correctly. and if I do make a small mistake I make sure I acknowledge it and correct it. yeah, I just work better with Sarah.
Oh! and on friday I applied a dental dam by myself. :) I felt so proud of myself! yeah, I made a couple of mistakes and had to ask the teacher for instruction a couple of times.. but the last time I did it I did it correctly all but placing the frame upside down. I was super excited. this means that next week I can do it by myself and have it checked off of my RDA skills sheet. :) I will also, hopefully, complete the matrix band application and get that checked off as well.
this week is a little daunting because we have three tests, a research assignment, a tooth labeling mold, and three classes worth of critical thinking homework due. :) Sarah and I spent about 4 hours studying yesterday. we got a lot done! I have a lot of making up to do because I got a 'D' on my last radiography test.. though, almost half of the class failed that test, so I really don't feel like it is entirely our fault that we did so poorly. this week I am going to study my ass off for radiography and I will pass, damn it!
conclusion: I am feeling very happy and very productive. there have been a few bumps in the road these last couple of weeks -- getting sick and adjusting to a living mate -- but overall things are going great. I'm expecting a lot of change coming up and I feel ready. I guess that's all I can really hope for, no?