Aug 15, 2006 00:39
I don't get it. There is officially no humanity left in the world. I don't get it. Why the hell is it so hard to fucking concentrate on anything anymore? I don't get it. Every damn time I try and pick something up it always seems to fall right the fuck back down, where I just leave it because disappointment just seems like something you shouldn't have hope for. I don't get it. Its always the hardest when you feel lost because it feels like there is nothing left. I don't get it. If there was reason and fate in life, why the fuck is it that I never see it, and when I do think I see it, there is no beneficiary value to it because from my perspective the white rabbit is just a rabbit. I don't get it. I feel so ill all the time, and when I try and swing at my own personal shallow vendettas they just act less and less in-tune with the hint I so obviously throw at them. I don't get it. Even if I do give in, and have a small thrill with it all, the emptiness is still there and I still have the same opinion of it-its always going to feel the same and my dealing with it remains unchanged. I don't get it. Once again fuck all of this, I will burn it all to leave forever in a heartbeat.