The fireman is very magical. If you rub his helmet, he spits in your eye.

May 21, 2006 19:56

So prom was the other day what a big let down. it was so boring and i had to convice myself i was having fun. it started off good, i was really hyper so hyper that a kid thought i was drunk and he got excited because he wanted to get drunk too. song after song it was rap and after a while it all sounded the same, the racist, sexist songs kinda got old after a while and how exactly are you suppose to dance to that. when i was dancing i kept getting pushed, stepped on, and poked on. i thought it would be better, after all those months of anticipation. i didnt get to do my hair like i wanted, or nails because we didnt have enough time. i didnt even have fun dancing. i was completly bored the whole time. someone got there stuff stolen too which is completly retarded. there was a lot of grinding going on too. there was this girl with her bum in the air moving in on some guy it was nasty! it was really disgusting, espically this little red suited pervert, he grossed me out. everyone was so sweaty. the food was terriable. the enviroment was too. it looked too fancy i wanted balloons, streamers, i would of liked it to be at our school. the place we went to was so ugly. the dj sucked! the only thing good that came out of it was, i got to see people dressed up. after it ended i was kinda glad. some people were crying i dont know why and some girl puked not because she was drunk, more like because she was having a panic attack, and after that apparently she smelled. i didnt get to dance with "chandler" ahh i love chandler. but a teacher joined us in a dance, it was akward because i couldn't dance like a complete weirdo anymore i didnt know what to do so i just stood there staring for a while. seeing a teacher dance is weird but hilarious. after that went to katie's were we watched twenty mins of a movie and went to sleep. we were sleepy. and then it got really cold and then the bed deflated and i slept on the hard floor. then the next day the other member of the party went home early for track, and then we complained about prom for about 6 hours later, yah we were really disapointed and then i went to work. tomarrow is our last day of school i hope its better.
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