Twenty-Eighth Truth [Video]

Oct 14, 2011 00:14

[All right, the Medicine Seller is ready to start his campaign! He has his colorful robes, his latex elf-ears from the costume store, his lovingly-hand-crafted-from-plywood box and scales and sword, and a large bundle of white scrolls with red drawing on them.]

[And plans. Many, many plans. Because this is going to be the creepiest, most badass supernatural-themed LARP ever!]

[The camera cuts on to show him in the woods, in the middle of the night. He looks directly up at it, his skin calculatedly pale in the moonlight, and takes great pains to sound as detached-ly spooky as he can when he speaks.]

...They are among us.

In our homes. Here in Wonderland. Everywhere, there exist creatures whose very nature has become... corrupted.

Creatures which cannot be forgiven.

If you can conquer your fear...

...I invite you to join me.

[The feed crackles out. THAT ought to whip up some interest in his campaign!]

event: flarp, looking for trouble, just a little cracky, entranceway, video, ic

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