I am still on the fence about what to do with my beautiful sims 2 sims, but am beginning to really like TS3 simmies too. Most of them are so common looking, but you can make a really unique one if you try. I love Fatty. I know, it's not exactly PC, but that's what my kids called her when they were watching over my shoulder, and it's an endearment for our chunky dog, so it's all good! :) Just some more pics of TS3, because you surely haven't seen enough, right?
I totally didn't know this could happen, she got arrested and spent the day in jail. How cool is that?
This picture had no editing at all. The others were screened and sharpened a bit, then resized and framed. I still think she looks better than she would in TS2 with no cc. But I do miss my cc skins and hair.