Detective Tezuka Chapter 12

Feb 28, 2010 13:02

Happy birthday Fuji!! It's not really your b-day today, but I wanted to write something anyway!
I'm sorry for the late update!

Title: Detective Tezuka chapter 12 - One True Thing
Writer: tacuma811 
Pairing: Perfect Pair, Silver Pair, Platinum Pair
Chapter: 12/ ?
Genre: AU, romance, angst
Word count: 2467 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis
A/N: Thank you fot beta-ing bluewings_lagoo I'm sorry I couldn't wait with posting until you checked it again >_< But thank you for being my beta while akiko88 was busy.

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

Chapter 12 - One True Thing

Tezuka entered the office. All the others were already there, working on the case.

'You're late!' said Sengoku. 'Did you have breakfast with Fuji-san this morning?'

'Yes,' answered Tezuka. 'But that is not the reason I'm late. I went to Oji-san's mansion to check something out.'

Tezuka took out the game board of Clue, and placed it on the table. He pointed to the sunroom.

'There is a secret staircase in here which leads to a hidden passageway, connecting the sunroom with the basement, and from there, the living room. When you walk down the staircase you can go through the basement, and climb another staircase to the living room. That is how our killer went to the living room without being seen by any of the cooks or servants.'

'Does that mean there is also a way through the basement from the kitchen to the study?' asked Oishi as he pointed to an arrow on the board, similar to the ones in the sunroom and living room.

'Yes,' answered Tezuka. 'But the two passageways don't cross each other. You can't go from the kitchen to the living room or to the sunroom through the basement. The killer can't be one of the cooks.'

'It must have been someone who knew the way through the basement. I don't think any of the guests would know such thing. It was their first time at the mansion after all,' said Ohtori .

'Except for Kite-san,' said Yagyuu. 'It was the second time he visited the place.'

'I want to talk to the cook that Hiyoshi-san was talking about,' said Tezuka.

'Why?' asked Sengoku. 'We have no reason to suspect him.'

'It just doesn't feel right,' answered Tezuka. 'Sengoku, come with me.'

Happily the redhead followed Tezuka out of the office.


It wasn't much later that Tezuka and Sengoku arrived at the mansion. Itsuda-san let them in, and brought them to the two cooks whom he introduced as Tanishi and Kita.

'Hiyoshi-san said that the two of you saw him when he went to the bathroom on the night of the murder,' said Tezuka. 'Did you see him?'

'No,' answered Tanishi. 'I didn't see him.'

'He said he saw you,' said Sengoku.

'He must be wrong, because I didn't see him.'

'I did,' said Kita. 'He was the one in the white suit, right? I showed him where to go.'

'Thank you, Kita-san,' said Tezuka. 'Could you tell us the fastest way from the ballroom to the living room?'

'You have to walk past the kitchen, and the dining room to get there,' answered Kita.

'Through the basement,' answered Tanishi.

'What basement?' asked the other cook. 'The basement is really small, and filled with furniture. You can't go through there to go to the living room.'

'Who else knows about the basement?' asked Tezuka, ignoring the smaller cook.

'Itsuda-san knows,' said Tanishi. 'But none of the others. Of course, Oji-san knew as well.'

'Who told you about the basement?' asked Sengoku.

'Nobody. I found the entrance when I was searching for something in the kitchen. I ended up in the study. I figured there might be a way from the sunroom to the living room as well, and I've searched for it. Itsuda-san saw me, and told me to keep it a secret when he spotted me looking around far too much.'

'Then I think we should arrest you and Itsuda-san. The basement is used when Oji-san was killed, and you two are the only ones who know about it. One of you must be the murderer.'

'No!' said Tanishi quickly. 'Kite Eishiro-san knows as well. I don't know how he found out, but he knows.'

'And how do you know he knows?' asked Tezuka.


'We'll talk to Kite Eishiro. You will come with us to the police station, and explain to my colleagues how you knew that Kite-san knows about the basement.'


'Kite-san, can we come in?' asked Yagyuu as he showed his detective ID.

'Of course, but make it quick. I'm busy.'

Yagyuu and Oishi entered the room, and sat down on the small couch in front of Kite-san.

'You have been to the mansion before, aside from the most recent visit, right?' asked Oishi.

'I already told you about that before,' answered Kite.

'Did you know about the basement? You can use it to go from the sunroom to the living room,' said Yagyuu.

'Yes, I did know about the basements.'


'I found them when I was wandering around in the kitchen, searching for something to eat. Tanishi-san caught me ,and I explained what happened. He understood, and gave me some food. We talked a little about that basement, and where it ended. Tanishi also told me that there is a way from the sunroom to the living room as well.'

'Did you ever use it?' asked Yagyuu.

'No, why would I?'

'Could we have a sample of your DNA and your fingerprints?' asked Oishi.

'No, you can't,' said Kite. 'Like I said, I'm terribly busy, so if you could leave now…'

'We will, but you're coming with us. You'll stay at the police station for a while.'

'Why? This is ridiculous, I'm not a criminal! I have to run my hotels.'

The purple-haired man stood up, and moved towards the door but he wasn't fast enough. Yagyuu was behind him in a second, grabbed his wrist, and easily handcuffed him.

'Your hotels won't run away,' the bespectacled detective said, and pushed him out of the room.


'The murder weapon,' said Yanagi, ' was the lead pipe. Somebody must have brought it in, because it wasn't Oji-san's; we asked Itsuda-san already.'

'Why would anyone bring that in?' asked Sengoku. 'And how come nobody noticed?'

'That is for you to find out,' answered Inui. 'But we did find some hairs in the basement. We have Itsuda's DNA and Tanishi's as well, but it matches neither of them.'

'Wasn't it Oji-san's?' asked Ohtori. Inui shook his head.

'No, we checked that as well,' said Yanagi. 'It might be Kite-san, but we can't check it if he doesn't give us a sample of his DNA.'

Tezuka stood up. 'Thank you Yanagi, Inui. I'll make sure you will get that DNA. Yagyuu, please come with me.'

The men watched Tezuka and Yagyuu leave, wondering how the two men were going to get their suspect to give his DNA.


'It was your DNA we found in the basement,' said Tezuka to Kite who sat on the other side of the table, looking very unhappy.

'So, what does that prove?'

'That you went from the sunroom to the living room through the basement. Just like the killer did,' said Yagyuu.

'There were fingerprints on the murder weapon. They weren't yours but I'm sure you know whose it are, right?' asked Tezuka.

'How should I know?' asked Kite angry. 'How many times must I repeat that I'm not involved in this?!'

'Oji-san had a really nice carpet in his living room. If you walk there, you leave your footprints. We found your footprints in the living room. They went from the door to one of the windows. 'You let somebody in, and that person killed Oji-san,' said Yagyuu.

'Prove it.'

'We will,' answered Tezuka. 'We'll find that person. We'll put your hotels upside down until we find him. And until we find him, you will stay here.'

'Go ahead. You won't find anything,' said Kite with confidence.

'Yagyuu, you have the search warrant, prepared already?' asked Tezuka. 'Call our colleagues in Okinawa; and tell them to search through all of his hotels.'

Yagyuu nodded and left the interview room to make the phone call.

'How many hotels do you own?'

'Seven,' answered the purple-haired man.

'It will take a while before they finish searching through all of them. It seems like you will have to stay here for a little longer.'


'So, how are things going?' asked Fuji. He and Tezuka walked through the park. The blue-eyed boy wanted to make some photos.

'Pretty well, I think,' said Tezuka. 'Did I tell you that Shiraishi-san got the money? Itsuda-san found an envelope which said that the money would go to him. It's unfortunate you didn't get it, but I am glad Kite didn't get it. He is one of our suspects and he stays in our prison until his seven hotels have been searched. Until then we can only keep searching for more evidence.'

'I'm glad the case is going well,' said Fuji. 'But I was talking about you. How are you doing?'

Fuji smiled; Tezuka could only think about work.

'If everything is well at work, and I can spend time with you, I'm happy,' answered the Chief Inspector.

Fuji's smile got brighter. He took Tezuka's hand and stepped closer to his lover. When their lips were almost touching, he took a photo. Tezuka was surprised by the bright flash. Fuji stepped back to take a look at the picture. It had turned out quite good.

'I'm happy as well,' he said and gave Tezuka a quick kiss on the lips.


'Hirakoba Rin,' said Tezuka. 'Does that name sound familiar to you?'

Kite nodded. 'He is a friend.'

'The police in Okinawa took his fingerprints, and there is a match with the fingerprints on the lead pipe. Was it him whom you let into Oji-san's house to kill him?'

'I did not.'

'Not only his fingerprints, but also his footprints were found in the living room,' continued Tezuka. 'Tanishi is not a stranger to you either, right? He used to cook in one of your hotels. He but left two weeks after the first time you were invited to Oji-san's mansion. Not much later Tanishi started to work for Oji-san.'

'I didn't have enough money to pay his salary,' said Kite. 'Business is hard. I had to let him go.'

'Why didn't you tell us you knew him?'

'I didn't tell you? I must have forgotten, Tezuka.'

'Detective Chief Inspector Tezuka to you . You better start telling the truth now, because we have enough evidence to both lock you and your friends up for a long time.' Tezuka was starting to get impatient.

'I don't have a motive. Why would I kill Oji-san?' asked Kite. 'I was very happy when he invited me again.'

'I'm sure you were,' answered Yagyuu sarcastically, 'because now you could take revenge.'

'On the poor old man? I could never do something so cruel!'

'If you won't tell us what happened, I will tell you,' said Tezuka. 'You didn't get Oji-san's money, even though you were the one who needed it the most. You were angry about it, and talked it over with Tanishi, and the two of you planned your revenge. You fired Tanishi, and told everybody that you couldn't afford to pay his salary anymore, but it's all part of the plan. Tanishi start to work at Oji-san's mansion, and tried to find the perfect way to take revenge for you. He was supposed to kill Oji-san, but didn't get the opportunity to do so. And then you were invited again.'

'This is insane,' said Kite. 'It doesn't makes any sense.'

'Neither of you could kill Oji-san at the party. Tanishi was too busy in the kitchen and you couldn't go back into the ballroom with a blood soaked costume, so Rin joins in. You used the basement to get to the living room and opened the window to let him in. You then went back while he stayed behind to find out where Oji-san was. Rin was lucky, Oji-san had to pick something up from the living room, and when he entered, Rin hit him on the head with the lead pipe. You don't need much strength to kill an old man. Rin was probably a bit shocked that he had actually killed the man, but when he heard Itsuda's footsteps, he dropped the lead pipe and fled through the window.'

'You should start writing books, Detective Chief Inspector,' said the purple-haired man with a smirk. 'You made up a very creative story.'

'It's not my story,' answered Tezuka. 'Rin confessed everything. This is what he told us. When we checked it with Tanishi, he admitted that it was indeed like that. They betrayed you, Kite-san.'

'You are only trying to make me confess by saying my friends told you everything. I'm not falling for that trick. I won't say a word.'

'Suit yourself,' said Yagyuu as he and Tezuka stood up. 'But we all know it's the truth and the judge knows that as well.'


'So in the end he confessed everything?' asked Oishi. He and Tezuka were on their way to a café to have a cup of tea.

'He did. He was angry because he didn't get the money when he needed it the most. Now after he had managed to save his hotel from closing, and even took over other hotels, he got invited again. He didn't need it anymore. All he wanted was revenge.'

'No wonder he didn't get the money,' answered Oishi. 'Oji-san chose someone he wanted to give the money to before he met them. After he had a little chat with all of them, he would make his final decision, and decided if he would still give his money to that person. Maybe Kite-san was chosen, but he was so ill mannered that Oji-san decided to pick someone else. It's sad that it has to end like this.'

'Tezuka! Oishi-san!' someone shouted from behind them. When they turned around they found Fuji and Kikumaru Eiji walking towards them.

'Tezuka, I wanted to call you,' said Fuji, and he hugged the Chief Inspector. 'I will have my very own exposition in a gallery close by! Isn't it great?!'

'Congratulations!' said Tezuka, and he showed Fuji a small smile before he kissed him on the lips.

The honey-haired boy happily talked about the wonderful things he wanted to photograph, and show at the exposition. Tezuka listened, and nodded now and then. Oishi smiled. He could see Tezuka was truly happy for Fuji. He turned to Fuji's redheaded friend.

'I'm glad to see you're doing fine again,' he said.

'Yes, my wounds have completely healed! I don't even have a scar!' said Eiji with a grin.

'I'm glad to hear that,' said Oishi. 'We were on our way to a café to have a cup of tea. Will you two join us?'

Eiji's grin got wider. 'Sounds good. Besides, I don't think Fuji will let go of Tezuka-san anymore.'

Smiling, Eiji pulled Fuji towards the café. Tezuka followed, trying to talk the idea of having an exposition displaying photos of him out of Fuji's head.

detective tezuka, tezufuji, tezuka, golden pair, platinum pair, silver pair, shounen ai, prince of tennis, fuji, fic

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