Tighten Up by CookieAsylum [Drabble #116]

Apr 16, 2011 09:20

Title: Tighten Up
Author: CookieAsylum
Prompt: Weekly Perfection #116 - Angle
Genre: Humor, General
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400 (according to Word count website)
Warnings: Part of A Feline Fiasco, where Kagome is transformed into a cat and seeks help from an unlikely source.
Summary: CU - And just when she was making progress...


Why hadn't she thought of this from the beginning! It was brilliant! Utterly fantastic! Completely fail-proof! 'Kagome, you are a genius!' she thought proudly. This had to work!

A smug grin pulled on her lips as she dug her claws into the soft earth.

It was just another unproductive day, and the small group was taking a break under the shade. Rin was off playing in a field nearby, tormenting Jaken and convincing Ah-Un to join her. With so much energy, Kagome sometimes wondered how Sesshoumaru kept up with such a child.

Glancing his way, the girl-turned-cat stilled.

He was watching - again.

But then, that's what she wanted… right? She wanted his help. Needed his help! Therefore, it was only right that he watch what she was up to. Nevermind the fact that it sent a puzzling sensation down her spine. Not unwelcome, but still bizarre nonetheless. Straightening, she flicked her tail upward, ignoring him until she finished her task. She couldn't afford any distractions. This had to work!

She was fixing the angle on one of her strokes when a clawed hand hoisted her into the air.

'No!' cried Kagome, flailing in his grip. She wasn't finished, dang it!

"Rin." Calmly.

And with boundless zeal, the girl zipped to his side. Gap-toothed grin and all. Arms behind her back and fingers wringing, the child rocked on her heels.

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?" she replied, brightly.

With almost tangible disgust, the daiyoukai dropped the cat into the girl's arms:

"Your pet is filthy. Bathe it."

And just like that, Kagome watched from a growing distance as her plans were dashed. Wrapped in Rin's arms, she surrendered to her fate. 'I was so close…' Sighing, she huffed. Oh well, there was always next time.

From his spot beneath the shade, Sesshoumaru gazed from afar as his ward bathed the strange creature. Wretched cat. It had been playing in the dirt and mud since they stopped. He watched quietly. At first, the beast seemed content to just make a mess. He wouldn't have been surprised. Cats were vile that way. But then, that had quickly changed when he noticed a method to the feline's madness.

Strokes. Words. Writing.

How… odd.

Leaning forward, he peered into the dirt - where the feline had once been.

And there, half-written, but still surprisingly legible were the words:

"Help me."

How very odd, indeed.

sesskag, drabble, dokuga_contest, cookieasylum

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