Chew On This by CookieAsylum [ Drabble #81 ]

Apr 08, 2010 16:23

Title: Chew On This
Author: CookieAyslum
Prompt: Drabble #81 - Blue
Genre: General
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Word Count: Original: 300 words; Untrimmed: 325 words
A/N: Part five of my series, A Feline Fiasco.
Summary: ... Mostly for the dog who has something to gnaw on.


The night passed with relative ease. The downpour receded sometime near dawn. Dark clouds rolled away in the distance. Jaken had returned successful, firewood stuffed into his clothes to keep from soaking through.

And as the rest of the pack remained asleep, the daiyoukai stayed vigilant.

Or, as vigilant as one could be...


Peering at the odd creature, he watched it with careful indifference. Thoughts skittered through his brain like ants, picking at the bits and pieces. The blue-eyed fuzzball snoozed in the safety of his ward's embrace. Smelling of rainwater and feline, the critter's scent irritated the back of his nose. And yet, it was its odor that remained in question.

The dangerous hand draped over his knee clenched.

The cat lacked the natural aroma of domesticated animals gone feral. It didn't smell of sickness or disease. There were no indications of mange or madness. Sesshoumaru sneered; as if he would allow any such beast near his charges. Disease is not what concerns this Sesshoumaru. However, it had been just that. The kitten's natural odor was too clean - too fresh - like untouched parchment. It was as if the creature had never lived in the wilds before. Hadn't lived at all. And yet… A not-so-foreign sensation had been there. There was an energy that flowed beneath its short fur. Tendrils of spiritual power had licked at his skin. The feline's rambunctious flailing sent the tingling aura pulsing in his hands.

Rubbing his fingers together, he recalled the power's sharp prickle.

Stranger still, it had been reiki - miko energy.

This was a mystery.

An animal as a vessel for spiritual energy.

And suddenly, this simple creature didn't seem so… simple.

Where did it come from? Why? What was it?

These questions and more flitted around in his head. Narrowed eyes watched the black kitten sleep undisturbed. The daiyoukai sniffed. You raise many questions, feline, his thoughts rumbled. This Sesshoumaru shall discover them.

sesskag, cu, genefic, cookieasylum

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