After the flood...

Nov 22, 2005 09:09

All the colors came out...

And so, it's time for me to get back into the groove of things here again. I have a lot to catch up on, replies in DA, flisting here, a few things at the Cell, I know I owe emails to Basi, Amethyst and Koi... I'll get to you, promise! ^_^ Then there's some coloring to do, housework to catch up on, etc.

This past weekend was crappy. Not like 'bad day at work' crappy or 'fight with SO' crappy - both of which happened btw *grumbles* - just all-around general crappy. I was (still am) sick, which didn't (doesn't) help. And what in the name of Chiquita Bananas is up with my body thinking now is the perfect time to spring it's monthly leak?!?! *sigh* I tell ya, it's the proverbial 'When it rains...' Mostly, it was just those last ominous days of running up to the 'surgery date' that had me on edge and stressed and... well, crappy. I tell ya, I didn't sleep for staled piss Sunday night, could barely drag my sorry aft out of bed Monday morning after I did finally fall asleep. And to top it off, there was construction on i-96 running into GR, which forced us into an inpromptu detour whereupon we ended up lost momentarily, nearly making us late in getting to the hospital.

But, that's past now. Cody's surgery went well. We arrived at the hospital at about 8 in the morning and had him home shortly after 3 PM. He's sore and stiff of course, but they prescribed some Tylenol with codeine... he's pleasently quiet at the moment. :p

Lessee, other big news... Hide and Seek!!!

I have the finishing touches on the lineart for the Hide and Seek piece. *tremendous sigh of relief* Everything I had planned to put into the background, but had so many problems getting it at the right angle, is now sitting out in the not-too-distant sky. I already have the whole thing printed out. But, to be able to achieve the level of detail I'm hoping for in the color, I had to print it across two pages... yes, what I've added on makes it that much bigger. So now, I have to find a large enough surface to put the papers down on. Normally, I just use a regular sized clipboard. But I'm thinking I might have to hit up a local Goodwill store or Salvation Army store to find something that I can use. Just a loose piece of shelving or something like would suffice, I think.

The Basi mentioned a cute idea for the 'Raj/Hound pic I have on DA now, a caption contest. T'would be fun! ^_^ I don't know what I could offer as a prize, maybe a pic of someone's favorite TF character or something like that. *wonders briefly what she's getting herself into* I'll post a seperate entry for that and add links and... well, whatever else.


Have you ever shared a bed with someone who works early in the morning? And that someone sets the alarm for some unimaginably early time? And then they hit the snooze bar four or five times in a row? *show of hands* Have you ever just wanted to yell 'FIRE!!!!' at the top of your lungs at that first alarm buzz to teach that *gratuitous expletives* person a lesson? ....Man, he'd kick my ass for that. I think I'll wait until I'm over my cold first.


Someone over at the U2slash community was telling of her experience at a recent show in Atlanta. She said that during 'Where The Streets Have No Name' Bono actually kissed Adam full on the mouth!!!! *gasp* *guh* *sputters* *THUD* I'm anxiously awaiting pictures of this... hopefully someone got this. *crosses fingers*

Got tagged by Basi for a meme...

I don't have the thing copied to paste in here, it's the 'list ten things that make you feel good'... or something like that. I hope I have that right. Anyway... and all warnings posted, answers will be blunt, I hide nothing... in no particular order...

1. Watching CSI: Las Vegas... mostly for the story, but by Primus those guys (and gals) are sexy as hell!
2. Listening to music, especially U2
3. Reading a good book or fanfic, mecha porn=bonus, U2 porn=bonus
4. Getting lost while driving (when I'm not going anywhere in particular, that is... say like to the hospital)
5. Playing Hide and Seek ;)
6. Watching and listening to a good loud lightening-filled downpouring thunderstorm
7. Masturbation, preferably with vibration
8. Playing the Centipede arcade game, or Joust... *blissful sigh* Now those are video games!!! :D
9. Being able to enjoy the same things as my kids, like cartoons and comics and dinosaurs... I feel I have a better connection with my kids because of that
10. Singing karaoke

I think that's all I have for the moment. I'll post more later if I think of anything.

Oh! And AtomBomb has returned to the Cell! *does the Edge's Popmart dance* ^_^

hound/mirage, memes, u2, life

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