Party animal grade = FAIL...

Dec 31, 2011 02:51

So. My local grocer, Meijer, has some good holiday sales on alcohol. I went there this evening after workto get cat food and dog food... came home with two botles of wine to boot.

This is me. Not a drinks person by any stretch of the imagination. I can get liberally tipsy on a few shitty wine coolers. Actaul wine? Yeah... I know exactly nothing about. So, I scanned the selections, read the descriptions, hoped for the best. Came away with two bottles of red, hopeing for something at least pleasently sweet.

I'll let you something about me. I hate the taste of alcohol. Never got it. Oh, I can tolerate it if it's sweet and fizzy enough to quickly cancel out the dry , bitter taste. Otherwise, I can't handle it.

I cracked into the first bottle - Dreaming Tree somthing-r-other from California - and poured a glass after everyone else went to sleep. I can understand that alcohol comes with a measure of bitterness. But when it malkes your face do advanced level yoga positions? Not regarded by me as a pleasing drink. I made my way through that one carefully. Eventiually, I had to dilute it with MountainDew to drink it all.

Already feeling that gentle gesture of 'oooooo, I'm buzzed', I decided to take a shower. Not one of my better ideas. halfway through the shower, I really started to feeel it. For eveyone's benefit, I tell you this: Do not shave while tipsy. I exited the shower having one armpit done,and forgeting the other. Thankfully, I had both legs done.

Next, I tapped into the second bottle -something named for a lady, don't know what and can't be arsed to look right now, but it's a South Africa wine - hoping for better results. Poured another glass. Found it not quite as bitter, but a tad bland, considering I drink Mountain Dew daylong.

Yhis is where I utterly fail at 'party'. I thought it was absolutely brilliant to through on my headphones, listen to Nerves Junior, and contemplate my next vidding song... all while playing with DIRTY THINGS! Otherwise known as doiung dishes.

Yeah. I suck.

I feel like a really good thing right now, though. And I think I'll go to sleep soon. I normally would, anyway. But, I think i'll be a tremendously good sleep tonight... or a good passing out, at any rate.

Anyway, just for future reference. If I ever come to your party. Don't expect me to drink much,if anythig at all. I'm proibably more fun sober than I am drunk... unless you want you dishes done...

This concules your "Tact is fucking toasted' post! Thank you for reding! Good night/morning!

EDIT:Ive decided, Im alcoholically challenged! XD *rofl(

fail, er... wtf?, *woot*, someone please delete this from my brain, drunk as a skunk!, life

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