Once you are tagged you MUST write a blog about your 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names. (Unless, of course, you have better things to do or you just don't want to.)
1.) When I sit I often sit with my legs crossed. Not in the
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1 - I hate wearing non-pajama pants when I'm at home. I've often gone an entire day (without leaving the house) in my PJ bottoms.
2 - I usually still leave on/put on a normal shirt when I'm wearing the pajama bottoms at home.
3 - I have to sleep on the side of the bed that is farthest away from the door. That way, if anyone scary comes in the room (bugular, etc.) it will take them longer to reach me.
4 - Despite the fact that I can go 300+ miles in my car without running out of gas, I absolutely HAVE to fill my tank before I reach 225 miles. (My empty/full gauge is broken, so I have to rely solely on mileage).
5 - If I drop a pair of scissors at work, someone else has to pick them up for me. It's bad luck if I pick them up myself. (Although this happens to be a belief of not just me, but all of my coworkers as well).
6 - When I watch a movie, I automatically turn up the volume on the tv, before the movie even starts. Something about it sounding more "surround-sound" if it's really loud, even though we don't have a surround-sound system.
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