Jul 11, 2006 10:11

Well, last night was a real good night. It was my first night back since I moved, and the department welcomed me back, and the way they did it made me feel good. I had to go to fire practise early, so I could get my gear, and who woulda thought...I got my old gear back!!! well, except for my helmet and boots. But I got new boots! and since it was my old gear...I got my old number back! I Thought that that was pretty neat. There was a few noobies that joined a bit after I left and I thought that one of them woulda took my gear. As I was donning my gear, Frank, who is now a captin was giving me tags, and he first gave me red ones. But I actually told him that I was silver. and he just replyed "Ooh...Well you'll have these once you get back into the swing of things." All I did was smile and say "Okay, thanks!" For you people who don't know, there are three types of Tags in NDFD,(well, most departments use this system)  Green, Silver and Red.

Green are the Tags that you don't do much on a fire scene, and you do not have your BA (huge air cylinder that gives you...Air" All the n00bs have them and some of the older firefighters that don't want to do much

Silver are the Tags that allow you to do anything on a fire scene EXCEPT go into a live fire in a house or somethign like that

Red are the Tags that allow you to do anything and everything on a fire scene. So that means that soon I will be able to go into a live fire, which is pretty exciting for me! ^_^

So I am pretty happy of the department now a days. And I was talking to John (my cheif) and I asked him if I go back as a probie again for 6 months. And he said that he didn't really know and that he'll brong that up at the next officer's meeting which is monday comming. He thinks that I wont be, but it isn't all up to him, it is up to all the officers and they vote. And if I don't have to do probation all over again, I may be able to finally get red firefighter plates! ^_^

Then after practise, I went to the theatre to visit Steph, and I just waited for her to get off work. As I was waiting, Laura came in to hand in all her stuff, so we both waited for Steph, and all of us went to McDonalds at 11pm >_< and we just hung out there and ate till like 11:30 Then I drove them all back to their cars, and then I talked to Steph some more, and we were talking about our city trip which is tomorrow. I am looking foward to that! I need NEW clothes XD

Well, I gotta get going, I have the afternoon off so I have to help mother around the house all day...Ooh well city tomorrow! :D

Thanks for reading

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