Cool Mo D

Sep 15, 2005 20:06

Hey all been a few.
Got to see Loke sing, had a great time, at Sweet Springs, Not a bad place, I myself hacked a couple songs. I hope all the pro's there did not mind. My beautiful wife made an awesome homemade Pizza for Linner today. greta tons of cheese, mushrooms onions, and some killer ham. mmmmmmmmmmm she is an awesome cook, I am so lucky. We rode our bikes we purchaced recently. ( My new hobbie) I rode over some killer thors and popped both tires, but all in all it was a good fun ride. approx. 22miles all in all. My first ride. I picked the route, and went around this corner, and what appeared to be a small hill kept going up and up and up, I rarely made it out of first gear. Loke, is crazy she keeps things in the high gear so she can get a good thigh wrok out..... Gotta love her. The best thing about it is I got to spend some good quality time with my wife, just us two, know house worries, laundry, all the day to day stuff. It was very nice. I live for those times. I was lucky my tire did not go flat until I got back in town. Whew.... Well I hav eSat night off I dont know what I am going to do, loke has to work, that night, perhaps I can find something to do, or I could just vegg....what an amazing year, I cant believe there are people like you all in the world, Totally crazy... you are all awesome...
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