Jim Fletcher is currently the Superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Southern California Region. A native to the area, Jim Fletcher is also an active tribal member of the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians in Temecula. Jim received a degree from Cal State Fullerton in Business Administration and later went on to serve as the U.S./Mexico border tribal liaison for the Environmental Protection Agencies Southern California Region.
Jim was also appointed to co-chair the National Tribal Operations Commission to assist in tribal environmental program development. He was also appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to serve on the Advisory Council for working with tribes on California and Indian policy.
Mr Jim Fletcher IV Degree Black Belt being the instructor for the Emu Park Dojang (Training hall).
I also found a Kansas Sherrif. 2 Movie or TV Charechters, and Indian Chief and Pof. Archer, A Chartoonist for Disney & DC an English Prof. The one time director of NASA.
Wow I guess it wasent so fun after all. I better get on the Ball.
So I was thinking last night. I have alot of time to do that at work. I was sitting counting all the good things I have & feeling bad. Not because I dont like them but because I am so confused.
I have the most wonderful beautiful wife, a great home and well paying job. I am thankfull for all of this on a daily basis. I am 31 years old, and it seems I have done alot. I have been all over the world, I have been a police officer & soldier. I have seen and lived tragety of all kinds, killed and been near killed myself. WHY WAS I SPARED? I think my desire to live or dire for the "higher good" stems from fear. Fear from fading away unremembered and unremarkable person with the average stories and highlights. I don't want to be one of those dirty o'l vets whos best days were his worse days, with the highlight real of my life being something that happened 50 years ago. I want to continue, I need to be tested. Yes I went to War and did ok. However I have never done anything great, or anything worth remembering. I have been middle of the road at everything I do Just adequate.. nothing more, and sometimes not even that no matter how hard I try. Everytime I get to a goal I look to the next one the next step, never an expert in anything but ok in all things. I am the swiss army knife of life. I feel as though I have not been fully tested so I keep looking for more..
Perhaps the test is ongoing... For me it is a practice in being content. I guess being Adequate is OK.