Dynamis Runs

Jun 03, 2009 00:50

This is getting pretty ridiculous. My LS does low-man dynamis weekly. We usually enter with roughly two parties worth. If we're lucky, we get maybe 14 people! And that is a good turnout. Because of the small LS size, everyone has almost everything they want from Dynamis Xarcabard and Beaucedine. We are to a point where THF hands and PLD body *will* be free lotted the next time they drop along with just about ever armor. Sadly, we're still missing two or three RDM hats, SCH hats and BLM hats. We are pretty much doing Xarc solely for these three AFs. The same situation is also found in Beacedine. Though the wanted AFs are NIN and RDM which are two fairly desired pieces.

Out of all this... I have DNC body for my mannequin. I also have SCH body for my mannequin. I'm sitting on 4/5 COR AF2 when my COR is only level 26. The only pieces that I truly want are BLM from Windy and Jeuno. And probably COR from Sandy so I can store them. But damn... these free lotted AFs sure look good on my mannequins!

Pretty ridiculous don't you think? Sadly, we need people and are trying to recruit word of mouth at the moment. Seems like every LS on valefor are also recruiting too.
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