I was at work yesterday when my boss showed me the obituaries of my local paper. He saw someone in there that he thought he'd heard me talk about in the past. I looked and sure enough, my friend, Barry, whom I'd written about here
concerning his getting his butthole sewn shut, had died. He died Monday. I actually hadn't seen Barry since October. Back then he was doing fine, had gotten a job driving a cab in town. He'd seen me way on the south side of town and gave me a free cab ride home, which I was very thankful for. It's funny because I specifically remember how during that cab ride he and I were talking about some dude who had died--just like that!-- and we were like, "Yeah, you never know, dude. One day you're here and the next day you're DEAD. So Barry is dead. He was 52. He was kinda creepy but a good guy, and he was my friend.
It's unfortunate because I don't actually know anybody else who knows him so there's no way I can find out how he died. I'm assuming some sort of health problem resurfaced, probably having to do with his digestive system, because all the paper said was that he was dead. I'd go to the funeral but it's up in Indianapolis where his family is from and I don't have any way to get up there right now.
Anyway, I watched a shitty werewolf movie last night,
Red Riding Hood. I kinda figured it would suck but it had a (stupid looking, come to find out) werewolf in it and my boss, who knows of my Taco Werewolf identity and werewolf obsession, kept insisting that I watch it. Yes, my boss not only tells me what to do at work, but he also tells me what werewolf movies to watch at home. Hahahhaaa. Okay, I watched it, and it sucked liked I figured it would. What was the point again? LOLOLOL
Then there is
Johnny Depp as Tonto in a new Lone Ranger movie I guess is coming out in 2013. I was looking at Depp in the pic and was like, "Oh My Goth! He looks just like the Crow!-- and then I was like, "Wait! he actually has a fucking CrOW on top of his fucking head!" Actually it might be interesting to put a bit of a dark angle on the Lone Ranger. I've always liked the Lone Ranger, actually, and have long hoped they'd make some werewolf connection with the Ranger's use of silver bullets.