Sep 06, 2011 17:05
I think some rude woman told me to "shove my cigarette up my ass" today, but I'm not sure. All I could make out was the word "ass." My backpack BUSTED (Yeah the one my landlady gave me the other day is now BROKEN already) earlier out in the Kroger parking lot, spilling my groceries all over the ground. I'm pissed, of course, while picking them all up. I've got a cigarette hanging from my mouth and this woman comes up to me and asks if I have a "spare" one. I was really pissy and said, "No I'm not giving you a fucking cigarette." And that's when I heard her say something to me having to do with "ass." LOL. She might have been offering me HER ass for a smoke, but I doubt it.
What kind of person asks a complete stranger for a cigarette while they are on the ground picking up their damn spilled groceries?