I bought the Assassins soundtrack, and now I wish I was well enough connected/lived close enough to a theater capital to see the play. Nonetheless, it is a good soundtrack.
I also found a cool music blog (
http://puritanb.blogspot.com/) that has a lot of awesome mashups and covers. If I am not mistaken, I downloaded approximately sixty five songs. When I find one of those I tend to fixate. It could be a problem.
I really like my barista job. I find it quite fun and I really love the smell of coffee. I wish I could get another barista job and somehow work at both of them. Maybe I will become a lifelong barista. On the bright side, I do have an interview tomorrow with WOW Children's Museum, so that might be cool.
I began to apply for health insurance today. Sweet fuck, is there anything more needlessly complex? Probably. My point is that it was quite confusing and hard, and then at the very end of my application it told me that I had to join some organization called FACT in order to even be considered for the insurance, and that it would cost me an additional three dollars a month. Which doesn't seem like a lot, but it adds up.
I think I have just about reached my stress tolerance level. The news keeps sucking me in by being incredibly weird/unbelievable/terrifying, so I can't stop watching, but I know it is bad for me. Today I started crying three times for no real reason. I think the Twilight movie should come out sooner. As I told May just now "SOMETIMES MY ONLY HAPPINESS IN LIFE IS REMEMBERING THAT, ON NOVEMBER 21ST, I WILL GET TO WATCH EMMETT CULLEN CARRY AROUND A SACK OF EGGS.:("
Maybe I will channel all my stress into trying to write emotionally tense scenes in my stories, like post-traumatic stress episodes and near-death experiences. Maybe I will start writing on my Rosie story again, it is suitably angsty methinks.
I am a little bit in love with Rachel Maddow and the new, pissy Jon Stewart. Sorry that I don't have a fun guy to blog about (LIKE SOME PEOPLE) or new and exciting foreign parts (LIKE OTHER PEOPLE). I am just all lame here at home, makin my coffee and servin my pastries and STRESSING THE FUCK OUT.
Thank you and goodnight.