(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 01:05

Reasons why Jason doesn't like the movie Almost Famous:

An Angry Toaster: 1) No explosions
An Angry Toaster: 2) Keanu Reeves isn't in it.
An Angry Toaster: 3) It's not Rocky IV
An Angry Toaster: 4) There aren't any gratuitous shots of college knockers
An Angry Toaster: 5) The main character is a nerd
An Angry Toaster: 6) I've never heard of that band, therefore, I hate it.
An Angry Toaster: 7) There's no mention of the New York Yankees in it
An Angry Toaster: 8) I hate the name Penny Lane
An Angry Toaster: 9) Airplanes are fun and should not be portrayed as death traps
An Angry Toaster: 10) He is not a golden god
An Angry Toaster: 11) They said that none of the shit in the story happened
An Angry Toaster: 12) Chuck Norris
An Angry Toaster: 13) Queen Latifah isn't in it
An Angry Toaster: 14) Where have all the cookies gone?
Almondjoy89r: It's a made up band.....
An Angry Toaster: 15) Shut up. Everything in every movie ever made is real
An Angry Toaster: 16) Penny Lane probably had crabs.
An Angry Toaster: 17) They visited shitty, boring cities
Almondjoy89r: You probably have crabs
An Angry Toaster: 18) If they were really pissed about the amp shocking the guy, they would've used it as a laser and killed the people in the arena
An Angry Toaster: (this only goes to 20, don't worry)
Almondjoy89r: Good
An Angry Toaster: ...Shut up...
An Angry Toaster: 19) At no point did they mention that Jason Lutz is the fantasy baseball champion of the world
An Angry Toaster: And finally
An Angry Toaster: *drumroll*
An Angry Toaster: 20) ::hug::
An Angry Toaster: I couldn't think of anything...

Oh, Jason. It's so good to have you back.

Also....I've been up for 20 hours....my jesus god.
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