Wow I really don't understand why my cat is causing problems all of a sudden!!
He had to be confined to my room for the past week (since last Tuesday) because he got neutered and couldn't be around the other cats. He wasn't that happy about it but the roommates were at least taking him out to play a bit while I was at work, and I make sure spend time with him when I'm home.
Bad things started when he peed on my bed last Friday and also Saturday. I put on new sheets and everything both times. I thought he did it because I was out most of Friday night (only to come home to cat pee on my bed, which I had to change at 2:30 AM). and I stayed the night at Miranda's on Saturday (of course I left him food and water and cleaned his litter box though).
Today he was allowed to go out of my room and play with the other cats. However, roommate just texted me to say she caught him taking a dump on my bed. Aughhh!!!
So I just don't get why he is behaving so badly now! I clean his litter box daily and he knows how to use it too. I thought being able to go outside my room would make him behave better! But maybe I just have to close my room off from him and move his food and litter box out of there, if he seems to think of my room as a litter box. I have no idea how to get him to stop :/
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