I am a sad product of my generation when YouTube can accurately sum up my morning, but:
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The problem with going out and having a really good time is that you suddenly remember how sad&boring&pathetic the rest of your life is. I am bored, really bored, bored enough to go out into the beautiful spring sunshine and take pictures of my cat/house/self/boobs*.
Worksafe as long as your work had nothing against my cat, cleavage and excessive eyeliner.
Right after this, he fell off that little ledge.
But he's basically the cutest thing in the world, so it's okay.
I do wonder what goes on in his head.
Squishie = big scary hunter cat!
But in the end, he was victorious.
I <3 tree?
Obligatory MySpace-esque shot.
And yes, that is the box apartment I live in.
*Hey, I have to carry them around, I may as well have fun with them.