
Nov 22, 2009 19:14

Well, it has been over two weeks since I expected to receive my preorder of Dragon Age Origins. amazon has not only failed to deliver it, but has failed to respond to my questions about the delay effectively.

Well, I emailed them today and advised them I wanted my question answered or I would not remain a loyal customer of theirs.

Well, instead of answering my question they advised me that the game was available on and I could order it there instead of waiting. Ok, I can understand that they cannot ship it to their canadian branch and then sell it to me since they owe it to me anyway. But, I figure fuck it, I just want the game.

I order it off of and email that I am beyond unhappy with the customer service on the issue and detail extensively why I am upset. I finish it off with, unless there was a miracle then they have lost me as a customer because they failed over two weeks to answer a simple question.

That question was, Will you be able to secure more copies to cover your preorders? They never answered me yes or no. They kept offering increases in service like upgrades on shipping, 10.00 off and another upgrade on shipping. How is it possible that the largest online retailer can fail to get an answer from a supplier over a period of almost three weeks?

To me this was unacceptable.

Well, they responded to me ending my account there by offering another 10.00 off my next purchase. That is some miracle. I tell them I do not want to shop amazon ever again and they say take 10.00 off.

Seriously? Well, amazon you have proven that you do not believe in customer service. If someone tells me they are never shopping at my store again, I will do whatever it takes to reel them back in, starting with something for free. Since I am in the grocery business I would probably start with a case of mandarin oranges or a bag of chips and a pop. Give them actual value by putting somehting in their hands they didn't have to pay for. Rather than something that will make them spend money. The idea here is for the retailer to show humility and be willing to lose something to keep your business. By offering a 10.00 off coupon all you are saying is we will make money off of this no matter what keep spending money.

Well, amazon......I don't think so. I cannot believe the largest online retailer in north america and possibly the world does not understand basic customer service.
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