Sep 09, 2008 17:05
So i had the same dream last night 5 times. It wasnt a long dream but it was the worst. Ok so imagine youre walking down a tunnel/wash, except you cant see the walls, just pure blackness. you can see the stream of water where youre walking, and you keep walking until you see a man in the distance, a pretty stalky man, with no face. not that there was a deformity just hte absence of a face. then you say his name (which i forgot) and instantly you hear these loud thrashed sounds, like screeches and low toned sounds that just hurt your ears like crazy until you wake up. when you wake up, you have sleep paralysis for about a minute. and it happened 5 freakin times.
so some people see a tunnel with a light at the end before they die, but thats what i saw. so pretty much im going too hell. and you bet your butts im gonna come back as a ghost and mess around with you guys