Mar 29, 2004 13:35
WHOOO! Went to Sinaloa with Mark and Aaron and Aaron's little bro Jacob. We were golfing machines. We all kicked ass on the first hole, and the rest....wasn't TOO bad... Well, let's just say it could be better. On the 5th, Aaron and Mark had a driving contest to see if anyone could get to the parking lot by the Carl's Jr. over that direction. I was wondering how they got to be so stupid. So anyway, there were these two fat guys playing behind us. It wouldn't have been so bad if they had SHIRTS ON! Seriously, they weren't even slightly tanned! You'd think that if you feel comfortable enough to have your shirt off in public, you'd do it all the time. And they had back hair and breasts and it was all disgusting. Yeah, like a bona fide rack. And when the took a swing it was...(shudder)...(vomits)...(wipes mouth and washes hands)...ok, I'm better. Anyway, we got Tommy's and I felt like hurling again cause I ate way too fast. And now I'm sitting at the computer, feeling like hurling. I opened a letter from my cousin and it turns out that they're reading a book called "Flat Stanley." This is EXACTLY what was written in the letter from the teachers describing the book:
"Stanley is a little boy who is flattened by a bulleten board that falls on him one night in his sleep. He had many exciting adventures as a flat boy. He mails himself to a friend's house in California for vacation and his brother flys him like a kite! Flat Stanley has many more adventures! You should really read the book."
Yeah, ok, I'll read it. Just cause I feel so sorry for flat stanley. What an awful name. Anyway, the point is, he mailed me this cut out picture he drew of flat stanley, and I have to take him around with me, and record our adventures. I think I will start with the tit-guys at the golf course. I'm sure 1st graders would love to hear about this...