May 13, 2004 19:08
Today has definitely been a day. There are only a few things I want to say:
1. The sub today in English was a bitch
2. sin, cos,'s all crap
3. I am so sick of the book Night
4. I have determined that I'm not very fond of any languages besides english...and even THAT'S not sayin a lot.
5. I thought I got that chem stuff...I got a few wrong that I thought i got right, so whaddya know.
6. I have realized that the last few of these things have been bad, so I'm gonna start saying good things
7. The sub in english wasn't a TOTAL bitch
8. Fredette wasn't here to make us run
9. Not much homework
10. I actually know 8 of the 15 words on our vocab list already..."darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there...what does he care?"
11. We get to do a lab in chemistry tomorrow, so there's always a chance i can burn myself and not have to go through periods 4-6...i know Derek will help me with that haha
12. Nichelle is actually a CIA agent from Cambodia, and her and Jake had this Cambodian affair...I'm not quite sure, i wasn't really paying attention...
13. Don't you just love it when a teacher says "This is the last chapter we will be covering this year"?
14. Ok, the sub WAS a total bitch
15. She waddled like a penguin
16. hahaha, obese penguin
17. I'm making a necklace out of safety pins...and I just pricked myself...
18. Going to get a bandaid, brb
19. Back
20. "Lo siento, no puedo ayudar. Voy a ir salto del agua. Adios!"
21. Rough translation: I'm sorry, i can't help you. I'm going to jump out of the water. Goodbye! (dolphin)
22. I need my own computer.
23. I'm really antsy...maybe its cause I can see it's a 4 point game with 5:39 left in the 4th, and i can't see a TV right now. Maybe I should go check it out...
I think I will. I'll see you all later. Voy a ir salto del agua. Adios!