[Okay, try to think of something to counter this...]
Well...this fierce wolf has brought down a bear before! A big one! It was the biggest bear you've ever seen in your whole life, and the wolf took it down all by herself!
The kitty's never had a chance to fight an Earth bear before! Purrhaps this will be a more challenging kill than expected. She purrowls around the canine furbeast, waiting for its first move!
[ Aaand she does, pacing in slow circles around the other girl. ]
Well, the fierce wolf sees the kitty! RAAAWR!
The kitty isn't intimidated by the canine furbeast! She's brought down plenty of them befur, even if this one is bigger and scarier than the rest!
Well...this fierce wolf has brought down a bear before! A big one! It was the biggest bear you've ever seen in your whole life, and the wolf took it down all by herself!
[Yeah, okay, that never really happened.]
The kitty's never had a chance to fight an Earth bear before! Purrhaps this will be a more challenging kill than expected. She purrowls around the canine furbeast, waiting for its first move!
[ Aaand she does, pacing in slow circles around the other girl. ]
This wolf will be very careful, because she's never met a cat like this one before. She'll have to be sneaky.
[ And she bares said tee-- holyshit those are not human teeth. 'Sharp' sounds about right. ]
The wolf is fast too, you know. Very fast. The fastest.
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