Feb 27, 2011 14:02
The woman child had an opportunity to attend an admissions seminar at Harvard University yesterday. We were going to be in the neighborhood *anyway*, several hours drive from home. All she had to do was get her, um, backside out of bed at 6:30 AM to start getting ready. This is an hour and a half *later* than she has to get up, five days a week, just to catch the school bus.
She decided that sleeping in was worth squandering an opportunity to visit Harvard. She also decided to arrive late enough to her archery tournament to avoid meeting the Harvard archery team, face-to-face.
WTF? Where is the logic in this?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Perhaps if it won't even let you lead it to the water, it's not a horse at all.
Can anyone share a strategy for getting past this crap?
stubborn animals