Here Comes the Rain Again... and 80F by Saturday

Mar 29, 2010 12:35

This rain and (promised) warm weather could be GREAT!

I really did bring the cell-phone in a Zip-Loc on Saturday, honest. It's just that by the time I got zipped into the drysuit, sealed into the boat, and started freezing my fingers by eddy-hopping down Crystal Rapid, I had NO motivation to get out and show "M" how to use the camera for a phreezing photo op. We were having WAY too much fun.

80F on Saturday? Now, that's another story altogether. There may even be chiquitas on the rocks.


Sunday was an challenging day for a rifle match. The wind was cold, strong, and couldn't decide which direction it wanted to blow from. I had to watch the leaves tumbling in front of my target, to figure out what I needed for "Kentucky Windage", for each shot. I managed to put up a 430-something/500, despite totally missing two shots in off-hand, by not being sufficiently focused. Still, for the morning after a day of hard kayaking, I'll take it.

An old friend showed up after the match, with his Iraq War veteran son, a fully stocked pistol case, and a brand new AR-15 match rifle that needed to be sighted in. Everyone had an opportunity try various "tools", and (they) learned a little about handloaded target ammo needing to be powerful enough, otherwise the guns don't cycle correctly. Smooth and accurate though.

I was a little surprised to learn from this recent veteran, that the US Army doesn't train with a traditional sling anymore, nor do they practice prone or seated shooting. The new paradigm is dynamic. Keep moving. Keep the enemy pinned down. Theirs is a machine-gun, and the ammo is there to use.

It's only us civilian fossils, with our bolt action and SEMI-auto rifles, who practice hitting something like a coffee cup lid at 200 yards.
Army was impressed.

We do get ex-military guys who show up and outscore us, though: they're called Marines.  They keep us honest.

shooting sports, whitewater

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