Aug 08, 2004 13:52
I had to take my ring off today. I can honestly say that was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I almost lost it. It was everything I could do not to break down in front of her. Hell, she still held up better than I did. Oh well.
Don't ever name your child Chunkmuffin. That's just asking for emotional issues far down the road.
I got asked last night why I hated Tim. It was funny, because for once I wasn't the least bit scared to speak my mind. I told her every single little thing that I don't like about him, and then when she said she wished her best friend and her fiance could be in the same room together I pointed out that I was always decent and kind whenever we were in the same room. It was Tim who turned into a sniveling little child and sulked. Is there really a point to me saying any of this? Not really. Enjoy.
I want to try to convince my right hand that my left hand is out to kill him and see what happens...
I'm in the wierdest daze today. It's like being stoned without all the good feelings. I just feel retarded. Completely and utterly retarded. I'm slow. I can have a conversation with someone and forget it two minutes later. I believe there's something wrong with me.
Blue only appears that way if you don't look at it from behind.
Craic time.