Hello! Hope you're not too snowed under (mostly literally!)...
River horse - Hippopotamus
Death Valley - Um. Arizona?
Newspaper for US servicemen - no idea. I am, however, suddenly curious as to what cartoons it has.
Tiger Woods - um. Obviously nothing that lends itself to the sort of bad jokes I've been hearing about his recent history in the way that golfing does.
Vaporetti - Venice! Last time I was there I blithely arranged to meet my parents (travelling from a completely different country) at a vaporetti stop at a specified time with absolutely no back up contact, and it worked perfectly.
Beer - I think my answer to this question is something along the lines of "not famous enough".
Dyspepsia - this is where too much knowledge is problematic. I think they probably mean "indigestion", but "heartburn" or "reflux" would work for me.
"Mistake-out" - correction fluid? It used to be called "Twink" over here, which is not the best name ever.
PCs Limited - Dell?
Forwards/Backwards - palindrome. My favourite of all the ones I've heard is "Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas" for sheer impracticality
River horse - Hippopotamus
Death Valley - Um. Arizona?
Newspaper for US servicemen - no idea. I am, however, suddenly curious as to what cartoons it has.
Tiger Woods - um. Obviously nothing that lends itself to the sort of bad jokes I've been hearing about his recent history in the way that golfing does.
Vaporetti - Venice! Last time I was there I blithely arranged to meet my parents (travelling from a completely different country) at a vaporetti stop at a specified time with absolutely no back up contact, and it worked perfectly.
Beer - I think my answer to this question is something along the lines of "not famous enough".
Dyspepsia - this is where too much knowledge is problematic. I think they probably mean "indigestion", but "heartburn" or "reflux" would work for me.
"Mistake-out" - correction fluid? It used to be called "Twink" over here, which is not the best name ever.
PCs Limited - Dell?
Forwards/Backwards - palindrome. My favourite of all the ones I've heard is "Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas" for sheer impracticality
Irish - Sinn Fein
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