Have you ever been going about your daily business, when suddenly you notice, in some area of your skin that is by all usual standards considered hairless, an interloper?
And those lone hairs that show up where they're not supposed to always do it suddenly. It's not like you notice the bastards when they're tiny - no, they spring into existence full-grown, declaring their existence proudly. And those suckers are brawny! They're not some thin little hair that wandered away from the herd - these are motherfucking explorer hairs! They're out there claiming new territory for the other hairs! They're planting flags, for the love of god!
It's obvious that the other hairs pick their troublemakers, the ones who don't have enough to do and so are causing some mischief in the otherwise calm hair society that's hanging out on your head or your arms or nether regions or legs or something, and they tell these hairs that they have a very special quest. It's up to them to claim new territory for Hairland. And they should return carrying their shield or on it. And so they do, springing up suddenly out of nowhere in the middle of an otherwise clear day, in some weird place, freaking you out.